Kurkure Waterfall

Pastelmat, dry pastel, 2022
35*50 cm
230 $

A walk to the Kurkure waterfall.

First, you walk through a valley between two mountain ridges. On one side, you can hear the quiet rustling of running water. Through the leaves of the trees that grow along the bank, you can see the reflections of sunlight. As you walk, you can enjoy the pattern of light and the whimsical shapes of stones that have been pushed up to the surface of the earth here and there. All of this is surrounded by sun-baked grass under the Altai sun. And the scents! So much fresh air and sky.

At first, you don’t see it, but you already hear it. At first, it’s just a rustle that gets louder and louder as you approach.

And now you are already watching the falling streams of water that sparkle and break against the black stones, forming a shower of sparkling sunlit sprays and clouds of water vapor. Puddles and rivulets of the tastiest water form between the stones, making it so pleasant to quench your thirst on a hot day after a walk. The brightness and contrast of the colors of a clear day on the border between summer and autumn remain in memory forever.

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